Damo's Law Suicide Prevention Awareness

Damo's Law Suicide Prevention Awareness

Monday, January 14, 2019


                 My name is Tessa,
     I suffer CPTSD depression anxiety.

 Iwill be sharing my experiences with you
On my walk through #MentalHealth #MHSP2019 #Petition #MentalHealthAwareness #SuicidePrevention #KeepTalkingMH @DamosLawSP #SEMPI #sicknotweak #ruok #EndTheStigma

 I was first diagnosed with #MentalHealth when I was 16. After the birth of my first child. After suffering severe PPD (post partom depression).

 Till then I was lead to believe by my mother that I was just a naughty child syndrome....

 I was told that I had suffered adult's depression as a child....

 Like what eva the fuck that ment lol... I didnt no.

 All i knew is i couldn't control anything i did, I couldn't control my thoughts, they were out there... n I mean out there lol..
I couldn't control my emotions n feelings as they were just off tap!!!...

 From growing up in a home where my dad was an alcoholic and was physically emotionally n mentally abusive towards my mum...

 he never hit us kids eva,

    But he mentally n emotionally used me..
 I was 7 when my mum left my dad 2weeks b4 I turned 8 I remember exactly how I felt at the time..

 My dad would get me drunk n let me smoke weed send me home to abuse my mum my dad manipulated me as a child.. but at the time I was too young to see...

My mum emotionally and mentally abused me and she was the one I coped all my smacks from, she told me from age 1 it was my fault my daddy beat her... n that I made him do it... 😭 that I was smart enough at age one to no what I was doing.... still says it till this day I am now 38...
she said I was in hospital til day b4 I turned one as I stopped growing putting on weight n I would stop breathing I had no suction so wasnt able to drink my bottles so my mum says I was attached to my dad when I got outa hospital..

 Anyhows moving forward to meeting a boy when I was 15 falling pregnant when I was 16, boy leaves... single mum at 16...
Suffered PPD (post partum depression) after a traumatic birth (stiches omfg ouchies) due to baby being stuck 😥 such a painful experience... I thought I was  going to die literally... lol I was yelling.. but she was worth it.

 So with my ppd I went off to see counsellor for the very first time......

 16 a new baby n ppd.... ok I can do this...
I talked for while filled out some tests..

she then turned to me and said:

You have adults CPTSD depression anxiety that you have been suffering as a child....

LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? is that even real???....

Yes I have come to learn #MentalHealth is #real #MHSP2019 #Petition #MentalHealthAwareness #SuicidePrevention #KeepTalkingMH @DamosLawSP #SEMPI #sicknotweak #ruok #EndTheStigma

So I have done counselling and trialled n error medications all in which I have not found any without side effects mood swings right up to last one paranoia...

 So I walk my journey unmedicated but always updating my education on my mental health seeking new avenues to help my self when I'm in need like going to see my counsellor when eva I feel I'm not coping.. still till this day I go.

In saying that my brother needed his medication as he was paranoid schizophrenia without it there was no chance for him unfortunately his medication was not stable n Maryborough Mental Health QLD let him die they did not do thier jobs properly, n due to that I no longer have my brother as he is no longer here....


 Due to the lack of love, care, kindness, and simply listening  from the Maryborough Mental Health Qld Australia 4650

My brothers death could have been prevented....

My only advice to #MentalHealth advocates counsellors etc pls take the time to really listen re educate yourself keep up to the new world it changes everyday the system need to change with the world.

 Here is my brother Damo's story I will share more n more as I go.

 My name is Damo, 
           I was born 14th May 1984 i sadly committed SUICIDE.... 
          i HUNG my self 5th December 2016... i was 32 years old...

                              Damo's Law:  like Ryan's RULE:

                we need a 3rd party medical/mental health team 
                                 that can be called in to come 
                       re-asses these situations when the family 
                       and the suicidal person no that its not OK 
              so we/our loved ones can be kept safe till it passes 
Here is my story....
I was diagnosed with Paranoid Skitzaphrenia i suffered for 5 years
with the demons inside my head...
I thought people were going to kill me on a daily basis...
i even thought my own family was going to kill sometimes... i just wanted it to stop...
i wanted to kill my self before they torture me... He would say...
As this mental health seen me reguarly i had about 30 attempts with my mental stat of mind
in and out of the ward needles pills more needles more pills.....
i dont think they worried about me anymore..
At the time of my death i had been off my medication for awhile but was trying to be stableised
as i had gone away for 2 months... but i was not doing so well... i was not with reality.....
things happened and i was no longer with reality at all... i had 2 visits with these workers
in the couple weeks i stayed with my sister... I told the workers i was going to kill myself
my sister told them i was going to kill myself as i was not with reality to the point i thought
i had not seen her in 10 yrs... it had only be 8 weeks.... mental health walked away and left 
me there twice... my mum returned from hospital so i returned to be with my mum... my mum rang 
and tried to get me admitted in the last 5 days i was here on earth... but the mental health was 
still not listening... i think my family memembers would no me alot better than you... as you only
come to give me more pills or needles... you dont actually care that im lost, broken, torn, confused,
scared, alone, my mind shredded into millions of fears all coming at me at once and i cant stop them...
there telling me how there going to torture me and how they will kill me... i dont want to be here anymore..
make them Stop..... why wont you make them stop... why wont you help me... 
why do you think its just in my head??.. why is it not real??? its a real to me as my coffin was to you...
now do you see how real it is??... now do you see i couldnt stop it.. i needed to be kept safe...
i need to leave before they hurt me... i told you i was gonna 'KILL MYSELF' and you let me...
you knew i wasnt OK but you walked away anyways becuase im not your son, brother, dad, daughter, sister
so you dont care if i DIE ... one less case for you to worry about... well guess what I DID DIE...
i HUNG myself where my mum was left to find me liffeless.... you could have prevented this from 
happening if you had of just listened to my family if not listening to me because of my mental
state of mind even in those last 5 days if you had of listened to my family... i could possibly still
be ALIVE as i would have been kept safe where i couldnt hurt myself... why didnt you listen???...

Will you listen now that im gone???..... Please help save our loved ones....
Damo's Law (Suicide Prevention)

Please sign petition to help bring in a new law that helps prevent the loss of our loved ones
just like Ryan's Law we need Damo's Law we need to be able to call a 3rd party medial/mental team
thats not involed with your normal place of buisness i.e hospital mental health ward they can 
come in and reasses the situation without judging and hopefully have your loved one admitted and be safe
we as the family members no our loved ones better and we no when things really are not OK 
so please get behind me and my brother and lets get this new law in please your support would be
greatly appriecated thank you so much Damo and Tessa From Australia

Damo's  Law Petition:
Damo's Law Blog:
If you are concerned about the mental health of 
yourself or someone you know,
there is support out there. 
We advise you to seek help from your GP or call Lifeline 13 11 14,
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia [PANDA] 1300 726 306 
or Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36.
 Could 1 friend, please copy and repost (not share)? 
We are trying to demonstrate that someone's always listening.
Lifeline 13 11 14,
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia [PANDA] 
1300 726 306 
or Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline tel:1-800-273-8255
#MentalHealth Aearness


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